
This context is used for editing models via Mira with a specific focus on fine-grained state and transition manipulation. This context was created by Uncharted. On setup it expects a model id to be provided; unlike other contexts the key is always id and the value is the model id. For example:

  "id": "sir-model-id"

Note: after setup, the model is accessible via the variable name model.

This context has 16 custom message types These will provide codeblocks which often have documentation within them to be provided to the user

  1. reset_request: resets the model back to its original state
  2. replace_template_name_request: replaces the template old_name with new_name
  3. replace_state_name_request: replaces the state’s old_name with new_name for a given model and template_name
  4. Add Template: add_natural_conversion_template_request add_natural_production_template_request add_natural_degradation_template_request add_controlled_conversion_template_request add_controlled_production_template_request add_controlled_degradation_template_request
  5. remove_template_request: Removes an existing template from the model provided a template_name
  6. add_parameter_request: Adds a new parameter to the model.
  7. update_parameter_request Updates an existing parameter in the model.
  8. add_observable_template_request Add a new observable to the model.
  9. remove_observable_template_request Remove an existing observable from the model.
  10. replace_ratelaw_request update the value of a ratelaw in the model.
  11. amr_to_templates: Breaks down an AMR into its template components.

Sample agent questions and their corresponding tool:

Adding templates:

  1. Natural Conversion: Add a new transition from S to R with the name vaccine with the rate of v. Add a new transition from I to D. Name the transition unlucky and give it a rate of I*u

  2. Controlled Conversion: Add a new transition from S to R with the name vaccine with the rate of v. v depends on S Add a new transition from I to D. Name the transition unlucky that has a dependency on R. The rate is I*R*u

  3. Natural Production: Add a new transition from the transition rec to S with a rate of f. add a new transition (from nowhere) to S with a rate constant of f

  4. Controlled Production: Add a new transition from the transition rec to S with a rate of f. f depends on R. add a new transition (from nowhere) to S with a rate constant of f. The rate depends on R

  5. Natural Degredation: Add a new transition from state S to transition rec with a rate of v. add a new transition from S (to nowhere) with a rate constant of v

  6. Controlled Degredation: Add a new transition from S to rec with a rate of v. v depends on R. add a new transition from S (to nowhere) with a rate constant of v. The Rate depends on R


  1. Add an observable titled noninf with the expression S+R.
  2. Remove the noninf observable.


  1. Rename the state S to Susceptible in the infection transition.
  2. Rename the transition infection to inf.